Bodossaki Lectures on Demand

Sismanoglio Megaro konuşmalar serisi 1: Karamanlılar ve Karamanlidika Yayınlar

Balta Εvangelia, Achladi Evangelia, Şişmanoğlu Şimşek Şehnaz

28 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Balta Εvangelia
Achladi Evangelia
Şişmanoğlu Şimşek Şehnaz




Κύκλοι διαλέξεων στο Σισμανόγλειο Μέγαρο

Σισμανόγλειο Μέγαρο, Κωνσταντινούπολη

Γενικό Προξενείο της Ελλάδας στην Κωνσταντινούπολη

Yunanistan İstanbul Başkonsolosluğu ve Yunanistan Milli Araştırma Kurumu (Osmanlı Araştırmaları Programı) işbirliği ile, Osmanlı imparatorluğu’nda Müslim ve gayrimüslim tebaanın dilleri ve alfabeleri konulu Sismanoglio Megaro binasında Kasım 2013-Mayıs 2014 tarihleri arasında düzenlenecek konuşmalar serisinin birincisi Karamanlılar, yani Küçük Asya Felaketinin ardından Lozan Antlaşması sonucunda mübadil olarak Yunanistan’a yerleşen Anadolu’nun Türkçe konuşan Ortodoks Rumları üzerine üç sunum ile 28 Kasım 2013 tarihinde gerçekleşti.  

İlk konuşmacı, Evangelia Balta, sunumunda Orta Anadolu ve Karadeniz (Pontos) bölgelerinden Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun büyük şehir merkezlerine göç eden ancak özel memleketleri ile sarsılmaz bağlarla bağlı kalan ve biriktirdikleri servetle, memleketlerinde okul, kilise gibi eğitim kurumları kuran toplulukların tarihi üzerine odaklandı. 

Büyük şehirlerde yerleşmiş bulunan Karamanlılar, 19ncu yüzyılının ortasından itibaren, Karamanlıca (yunan alfabesiyle yazılmış türkçe) yayınların niceliği ve o zamana kadar yayınlanan sadece dini içerikli yayınların konu çeşitliliğin artmasına ve laikleşmesine belirleyici rolü vardır.

İkinci konuşmacı, Şehnaz Şişmanoğlu-Şimşek, Evangelinos Misailidis’in hayatı ve yayın faaliyetleri konulu bir sunum yapmıştır. Türkçe konuşan Rumların eğiticisi sayılan Misailidis, bazı Karamanlı düşünürlerin işbirliği ve desteği ile, birçok kitap ve en uzun yayın ömrü olan karamanlıca Anatoli gazetesini yayınladı.

Üçüncü konuşmacı Evangelia Achladi ise müteveffa Peder Sakulidis’in karamanlıca kitap koleksiyonu tanıttı. İstanbul’daki Sismanoglio Megaro’da muhafaza edilen ve internet üzerinden halka açık, Peder Sakulidis koleksiyonu, karamanlıca yayınların yanısıra, pek çok konuda değerli kitaplar barındıran bir hazinedir.

Balta Εvangelia Tarihçi, Araştırma Direktörü, Yunan Ulusal Araştırma Vakfı

Εvangelia Balta was born in Kavala in 1955. She studied in the History Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1973-1977) and, thanks to a scholarship from the Alexandros S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, went on to study at the Sorbonne (Paris I-Sorbonne) and the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes IV Section in Paris (1980-1983). She received her doctorate in Ottoman History in 1983. She worked in the Historical Archive of Macedonia (Thessaloniki, 1979), at the Centre for Asia Minor Studies (1978, 1984-1987) and taught at the Ionian University during the first two years after its foundation (Corfu, 1985-1987). Since 1987 she has worked at the National Hellenic Foundation for Scientific Research.

Her interests revolve around subjects related to economic and social history during the Ottoman period, as well on the history of Hellenism in Asia Minor. In addition to her commitment to various programs at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, she has also served as a scholarly advisor for the Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil in Sparta, the Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production in Lesvos, and the Museums of Wine at the Ktima Hatzimichalis and the Ktima Gerovassiliou (Epanomi). She was academic supervisor for the restoration of the Kayakapi neighborhood (Project Kayakapı) in Ürgüp, Turkey (2003-2008). She has been invited to teach seminars for groups of graduate students by universities in Greece and abroad. Since 2011 she has taught at the Intensive Ottoman and Turkish Summer School held by Harvard University's Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (Cunda Adası-Ayvalik). She is a founding member of the planning committee of ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ (History of Wine), a scholarly group which has organized seven conferences on subjects related to wine and wine production (2000-2008). Since 2008 she has organized Ιnternational Conferences on Karamanlidika Studies. She is a member of editorial committees in historical journals in both Greece and Turkey.

Achladi Evangelia Linguiste
Achladi Evangelia has been in charge of the “Sakkulidis Book Collection” at the Greek Consulate in Istanbul since September 2012.  From 2004 to 2012 she taught Turkish at the department of “Turkish and Modern Asiatic Studies” at the University of Athens. During the period 1994-2000 she taught Modern Greek at the department of “Greek Language and Literature” at the University of Ankara.

Her research interests lie in 20th century Ottoman History (social and educational history of the Asia Minor communities, Karamanlidika literature). Some of her published studies are: “The language question in Smyrna in the first two decades of the 20th century”, Δελτίο της Καθ’Ημάς Ανατολής (2011), “Young Turks and Ottoman Greeks in Smyrna. The Greek Boycott (1908-1911)”, Kebikeç (2008). Contributions to collective works: “Encyclopaedia of the Greek press 1784-1974”, Institution of Modern Greek Studies ( 2008), “Smyrna:  Forgotten City?”, (2006), “The Greek Press from 1784 up until Today:  Historical and Theoritical Approaches”, (2005).
Şişmanoğlu Şimşek Şehnaz Lecturer and coordinator of Turkish Courses at Kadir Has University

Undergraduate studies at the University of Bogazici in Philosophy (2000). MA in Turkish Literature at Bilkent University. Doctoral student at Bogazici University in the Department of Turkish Language and Literature. Lecturer and coordinator of Turkish Courses at Kadir Has University. Main research areas: 19th century Ottoman literature, mainly novels, narratology, nationalism and literature, minority literature in Ottoman and Turkish, the modern Turkish novel and Karamanlidika studies.